Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site, Fill In The Blanks

Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site, Fill In The Blanks Rating: 7,1/10 6660 reviews

Focus on writing short and targeted statements instead of an extended list of every job duty you have ever had. Make a stronger impact by usingto describe your professional achievements. Follow the same process for other work experiences. Guide To Writing an Effective Economist Resume. Guide To Writing an Effective Economist Resume. This is a straightforward, fill-in-the-blanks approach to interviewing an adult, and is especially appropriate for the very old. You can also complete this life story for yourself. The Legacy Project has a more detailed list of life interview questions, as well as a simple Generations Scrapbook for children. Just fill in the blanks and you'll have a professional-looking page in minutes. After that, we encourage you to read the rest of the article. It explains why About Us pages are extra important for ecommerce sites, gives you some tips on how to build the perfect About Us page that your customers will love, and shows some great example About Us. Kids fill in the blanks with favorites and activities geared to their age group. Get the year off to a great start! Even reluctant writers will have fun listing their favorite things, writing about their heroes, drawing and more! Theme: Extra, Extra, Read All About Me Width - 17' Height - 22' Product ID: SC915291. 6 Tips For Writing The Perfect Online Dating Profile If you are looking for love online, a great profile is key. Of course you need compelling photos, but those who are looking for a real relationship will look beyond a pretty face to find out what you are about.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
  • Getting Started: Step-By-Step Guide
  • Example of an 'About Me' Page
  • Update Your Page Regularly

Do you need to write an ‘About Me’ page? It’s one of the most important components of your portfolio, website, or blog. It’s where prospective employers, potential clients, website users, and other professional and personal connections go to learn about who you are and what you do. And it's an ideal resource for promoting your professional brand.

Writing an ‘About Me’ page or section for yourself is never easy. However, the good news is if you follow the formula and tips below, you should be able to generate an engaging ‘About Me’ statement without too much of a struggle. Here’s how to write an ‘About Me’ page you can be proud of.

Why Create an 'About Me' Page

Should you or shouldn't you put the effort into crafting your perfect 'About Me' page? Here are a few reasons why you should, (and maybe shouldn't) spend the time.

  • It's an ideal resource to promote your professional brand and yourself as an authority.

  • Potential clients, employers, and others can go to your 'About Me' page to learn more about you.

Why Not?
  • Could lose traffic if your 'About Me' page is focused too much on you and not on what you can offer your reader.

  • Can turn people away if you don't respond quickly to comments or contact requests.

Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site Fill In The Blanks Using

Getting Started: Step-By-Step Guide

Your ‘About Me’ page should convey:

  • Who you are and what you’re doing
  • How you got there
  • Where you’re looking to go next

Use it to describe your credentials, expertise, and goals. What’s the best way to start? The following exercises can be helpful in figuring all of that out, and will help you determine what to include based on your target audience.


Spend about five minutes on each question. You can use the ‘example’ answers to give you an idea of what that answer might sound like in its final form, but be sure to use your own words.

1. What are you currently doing (in regard to your career) and how did you get there?

How does your background make you unique?

Madison Blackstone is a director of brand marketing, with experience managing global teams and multi-million-dollar campaigns. Her background in brand strategy, visual design, and account management inform her mindful but competitive approach.


2. In terms of the work you do, what aspects are you most passionate about and why?

Share what you love most about your work.

Madison is fueled by her passion for understanding the nuances of cross-cultural advertising. She considers herself a ‘forever student,’ eager to both build on her academic foundations in psychology and sociology and stay in tune with the latest digital marketing strategies through continued coursework and professional development.

3. What do you consider some of your biggest professional and personal accomplishments?

How did your attributes contribute to those accomplishments? Be as specific as you can.

Her hunger for knowledge and determination to turn information into action has contributed to her most recent success at Rockwell Group. There, she led international award-winning campaigns for heavy-hitting brands such as Puma, Gucci, and Rolex.

Meanwhile, she vastly improved the productivity of her department by implementing strategic project management methods and ensuring a work-life balance for her team. Madison believes mindfulness in the workplace is key to success, a tenet she lives out through her interests in yoga, meditation, gardening, and painting.

4. What are you looking for right now?

If you’re job seeking, considering a career change or looking to take on projects or gigs, mention it in your statement. Include your email address in the last sentence, so it’s easy to get in touch with you.

Madison is currently working as a freelance marketing director and is always interested in a challenge. Reach out to to connect!

Once you’ve completed the exercises above, you’ll have some material to work into your ‘About Me’ page. Ideally, each answer should flow into the next. Again, you want the finished product to convey who you are and what you’re doing, how you got there, and where you’re looking to go next.

'About Me' Page Examples

Once you have put the pieces together and your answers are organized into paragraphs, they would read something like this:

About Me

Madison Blackstone is a director of brand marketing, with experience managing global teams and multi-million-dollar campaigns. Her background in brand strategy, visual design, and account management inform her mindful but competitive approach. Madison is fueled by her passion for understanding the nuances of cross-cultural advertising. She considers herself a ‘forever student,’ eager to both build on her academic foundations in psychology and sociology and stay in tune with the latest digital marketing strategies through continued coursework.

Her hunger for knowledge and determination to turn information into action has contributed to her most recent success at Rockwell Group, where she led international, award-winning campaigns for heavy-hitting brands, such as Puma, Gucci, and Rolex. Meanwhile, she vastly improved the productivity of her team by implementing strategic project management methods and ensuring a work-life balance for her department.

Madison believes mindfulness in the workplace is key to success - a tenet she lives out through her interests in yoga, meditation, gardening, and painting. Madison is currently working as a freelance marketing director and is always interested in a challenge. Reach out to to connect!

Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site Fill In The Blanks For A

Example of a Published 'About Me' Page

Here's an example of an 'About Me' page with images.

Tips for Writing a Great ‘About Me’ Page

Decide if you want to use first or third person. Should you use first or third person, what’s the difference, and why does it matter? First person involves the use of 'I' statements as in, “I manage teams...” whereas third person (as exemplified above) uses “he/him” or “she/her' as in 'She manages teams ...' You will find 'About Me' statements written both ways.

Most important is that you choose one and remain consistent, rather than alternating between the two:

  • If you’re writing the ‘About’ statement on a business website, it’s generally advised to use third person ('She supervises ...').
  • If your website is a personal portfolio or blog, it’s best to use first person ('I have ten years of experience ...').

Don’t ramble. Most likely, your reader’s attention span isn’t going to be very long. Try to keep your statement to less than 250 words.

Include an image. If you’re promoting your expertise, consider adding a photo to your page. A professional headshot, like you use on LinkedIn, will work perfectly.

Website and blog visitors like to connect a name with a face, and it will be more personable if your page isn’t all plain text.

If your website or blog is about a product or service, include a related image.

Stay humble. Although it’s important to include your accomplishments and your experience, do so in a reasonable manner, avoiding outlandish statements. Declarations like, “I’m the best marketing professional there is” or “Any company that brings me on board is lucky to have me” will certainly hurt you more than it will help you get hired.

Use your own voice. Don’t use words plucked from the thesaurus or a business book.

Use your natural voice, aiming to strike a balance between conversational and professional.

You won’t be introducing yourself in the same way you would be to, say, someone you’ve just met in a bar, but you also shouldn’t sound like a politician running for president. Use a tone pitch you should use for networking. Also, be honest about your interests and goals.

Go for humor rather than trying to be funny. In some ‘About Me’ pages, you’ll see that humor can be effective. However, avoid joke telling, especially if it doesn't come naturally. Don’t feel pressure to sound clever and entertaining. Instead, focus on coming across as approachable, friendly, and engaging.

Be honest. Your ‘About Me’ page should reflect your genuine interests, whether they’re personal or work-related. You never know when someone might use material in your statement to strike up a conversation. For example, if you’re not really into yoga, don’t write you’re into yoga, or if you hate the account management aspect of your job, don’t write that you’re passionate about client experience.

Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site Fill In The Blanks Worksheets

Proofread, print, and read aloud. Typos make you look careless and reduce the professionalism of your page. Carefully proofread your statement when it’s complete and ask a friend to do the same. Then, print it out and read it aloud. Not only will this help you catch typos or grammatical mistakes, but it is the best way to ensure the statement reads naturally and sounds like you.

If anything comes across as awkward, funny, or simply doesn’t seem like something you would say, rework it until it sounds more like you.

Include links when possible and relevant. Make sure your email address is a link. If you use the word ‘experience,’ you can link that to your LinkedIn profile. If you mention any specific projects you’ve worked on, add links when you can, whether that’s a link to your portfolio, a positive news article, or even a blog post on your own site that discusses the experience.

Update Your Page Regularly

Remember that your ‘About Me’ page is a living document. Whenever inspiration strikes, you can (and should) come back and update the page to ensure it accurately reflects where you’re at in work and in life.

Download the Dating ESL Lesson plan here: Topic-Love-Dating-UppIntermediate-18122011.doc

The Love & Marriage Unit: Upper-Intermediate

Note to teachers:
This is lesson 2 of 3 in a unit on love and marriage. The lessons are as follows:
  • Lesson 1 – Reasons for Love
  • Lesson 2 –Marriage
  • Lesson 3 – Dating (this lesson)

Lesson 3 of 3: Dating ESL Lesson Plan

1) What do people commonly do on dates in your country?
2) What was the worst date you’ve ever had?
3) Have you ever tried to set up a friend with someone? Did it work out?
4) What is the `right age’ to get begin dating? Get married?
5) What do you think about meeting someone through a dating agency or dating website?

Dating ESL Lesson Plan: Reading: Key Vocabulary in Context

Dating has come a long way. Prior to the late nineties, if you had a crush on a girl and school was out, you had to search through town in hopes of physically finding her. If you had her number, you could gather your guts and phone her on her family’s telephone line, but you’d have to get through her father (or mother) just to talk to her. Nowadays, teens exchange emoticon-filled messages on cell phones and social networking sites. Online, users post flattering photos (which probably conceal their major flaws) on their profile and flirt with other users on the site. It almost seems like some kids prefer communicating their emotions behind the protection of an electronic screen to talking face to face.
Speed dating has also become more commonplace. These ultra-efficient events are arranged to give bachelors and bachelorettes the opportunity to meet as many eligible candidates as possible within a specific time. These events can be massive in countries like China, where a nationally imbalanced ratio of men to women has intensified the pressure to get married by the right age. More traditional approaches, such as posting personal ads in a newspaper’s classified section, are still around as well.
Morally speaking, Western society seems to be becoming increasingly promiscuous. One-night stands and flings are becoming commonplace. Due to the rise of STDs, contraceptive use and medical testing has become increasingly important as well.
An interesting question concerns the issue of chivalry: the custom from in the Middle Ages of treating women with honor by opening doors for them (commonly expressed by the “ladies first” mentality). Nowadays, people say chivalry is dead. That may be true, but the question remains: who killed it — men or women? [289 words]

Dating ESL Lesson Plan: Comprehension Questions

1) How has dating changed since the late nineties, according to the author?
2) True or False: the author thinks dating requires more courage nowadays.
3) According to the author, why is speed dating important in China?
4) How has western society changed, morally, for the author?
5) “Chivalry is dead.” — what does this statement mean? Do you agree?

  • It has become increasingly technological. Kids communicate with cellphones or the Internet, instead of expressing themselves face to face.
  • False.
  • It is important because of the heavy pressure caused by the imbalanced birth ratio to find a partner.
  • People have become more sexually active.
  • It means that men no longer treat women in the honorable way knights treated ladies in the Middle Ages.

Dating ESL Lesson Plan: Vocabulary Matching

Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site, Fill In The Blanks
Match the words with their meaning as used in the news lesson.
crush (noun)
flirt (verb)
one-night stand
  • crush – a feeling of love for sb (not usually long-lasting)
  • guts – courage
  • emoticon- typed symbol used to express emotion
  • flattering – making sb look more attractive
  • flaw – fault, imperfection
  • flirt – act romantically interested in sb (often for amusement)
  • bachelor – single man
  • eligible – qualified, able
  • promiscuous – having many sexual partners
  • one-night stand – a one-night sexual relationship
  • fling – a brief sexual relationship
  • STD – Sexually Transmitted Disease
  • contraceptive – item used to prevent pregnancy
  • chivalry – courteous behavior, especially that of a man towards a woman.

Dating ESL Lesson Plan :Connect the below idea(s) to make a sentence.

flattering / photograph / flaw
flirt / secretary
one-night stand / STD
contraceptive / prevent

Dating ESL Lesson Plan: Turn Ons and Turn Offs

A turn on is something that causes you to become excited, stimulated, and attracted to someone. A turn off has the opposite effect. Categorize the below characteristics as either turn ons or turn offs.
Turn Off
Turn On
B.O. (= (bad) body odor)
When finished, add four (or more) items to the bottom of the list. Discuss your list with a partner.

Dating ESL Lesson Plan: Pick up Lines and Break Up Excuses

1. A pick-up line is something a person says (usually a sentence) to make someone romantically interested in him or her, for example, “Hello beautiful.” What are some common pick-up lines in your country? Are they effective?
2. Break-up excuses: what are some common reasons for ending a relationship with someone?
3. Discuss the excuses and pick-up lines in the below table as a group.
– “It’s not you; it’s me.”
– “I need my own space and time to myself. You’re smothering me.”
– “I’m not ready for a serious relationship right now.”
– “I need to figure myself out.”
– “I really need to focus on my career right now.”
– “There are other fish in the sea.”
– “I just want to be friends.”
-If I could rearrange alphabets, I would put U and I together.
-Are your legs tired? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day long.
-Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see!
-You might not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away.
-Excuse me I have lost my phone number. Could I borrow yours?
-Hi. The voices in my head told me to come over and talk to you.

Dating ESL Lesson Plan: Role-play #1: Whipped (Pair Work)

Background: A man is said to be whipped when his girlfriend controls him. This expression means the man is like a slave to his girlfriend, who is the whip-holding master.
(note: each student reads his/her role only)
You used to be best friends with Student B, however, now you hardly meet. His new partner is controlling his life. He never goes out anymore or does his hobbies. His girlfriend has dominated his life and you’re sick of it. Call him on the phone and convince him to break up with her.
Student B:
You are in a new relationship. You live with your new partner, and do everything together.

Dating ESL Lesson Plan: Role-play #2 (Pair Work)

(note: each student reads his/her role only)

Student A:
You have a date this evening. You have gone to your date’s house and his/her parent has answered the door. Speak with the parent.
A young man/woman (Student A) has come to your house to go on a date with one of your (teenage) children. You are a very strict and protective parent. Ask questions to determine if he/she is good enough to go on a date with your teenager.
Help writing an about me on a dating site fill in the blanks for a

Dating ESL Lesson Plan: Fill in the Blanks

smother, whipped, turn on, cheesy, clich©d, pick up
  • Leroy put on some ( ) R&B music to ( ) his date ( ). She laughed.
  • Her boyfriend’s break-up excuse was so ( ) that the words had no meaning.
  • Victor spends his evenings trying to ( ) drunk women at college bars.
  • Diane’s husband is maybe too loving — she sometimes feels like he ( ) her.
  • Alan is so ( ) that his only friend now is his wife. Everyone else has given up on him.

Dating ESL Lesson Plan: Comprehension Questions

(Write your answers in the Comments section below if you wish)

1) Do you think it is okay to date a co-worker?
2) Jealousy: is it possible to control this emotion?
3) Is society becoming more promiscuous? If so, what factors have caused this?
4) What are the pros and cons of going out with an older woman (or man)?
5) Should the man pay on a date?

Help Writing An About Me On A Dating Site Fill In The Blanks Worksheet

Dating Lesson plan copyright Matthew Barton of