How To Show Off Body In Dating Site

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I recommend smiling as it comes off as more genuine and more likable as well. But you should still have a variety - some smiling and some not. That way, you have some choices in how you represent yourself in your profile. Let them see you. A profile picture's main purpose is to let potential matches see you. Because profile pictures tend to be small, you might want a picture of just your face or your shoulders and face. That way, they can see you easily without even clicking on your profile. That means getting an up-close picture.

Do you want samples of dating profiles of men who easily meet women online so you can get more results with a dating profile too? Then keep reading!

Before I go ahead and share samples of dating profiles that ROCK, let’s be real for a sec here:

You’re looking for samples of dating profiles because it’s frustrating to get yourself a dating profile on some site, to then invest some time in making it awesome… only to find that it was all for WAY less than expected! Am I right?

But let’s face it: sure, it SUCKS, but where are you supposed to find the freaking time for writing dating profiles that attract women? Hell, for spending hours on looking for samples of dating profiles and writing a profile that attracts YOUR type of woman?

It’s not like you can fill up a jar with small change and then expect to “grow” some time because time is money, right?

And that’s why I wrote this blog post: to give you samples of dating profiles that you can straight up COPY and PASTE into your dating profile to attract women with… AND to save yourself a SH*TLOAD of time.

Let’s get started, shall we?

Samples Of Dating Profiles: Over-The-Top Intro’s

Where to use these samples of dating profiles: the description of your dating profile. So, the part where you can pretty much type as much text as you’d like to.

There are several reasons why you’d want to go “over-the-top” with your description:

1) Women decide if you’re interesting or not in seconds. They literally check out samples of dating profiles! And let me tell you: they’re turned off when they smell you’re wearing “Desperate Dude cologne”, which is when you’re WAY too serious throughout your dating profile. They cringe when they read profiles that say “I’m looking for Miss Right.” Maybe you’re a looker too, but women think about dating in a more casual way. They want to see if there are interesting guys around, but that’s it (for now). Don’t be a looker, show you don’t take yourself too seriously.

2) All a woman has to do to date online is get a profile, and she’ll be approached. The result: she sees dozens of samples of dating profiles every day she’s active on the site. That’s when not getting her attention in seconds means goodbye.

3) 70% of all male online daters uses the description section of their dating profiles to give valueless summaries of their qualities (I’m fun, sweet, intelligent, this, that, etc.)

And if you still don’t believe me when I say you need something in your description to grab a woman’s attention and that you need to use my samples of dating profiles, then let me briefly tell you about myself here:

How To Show Off Body In Dating Site

I don’t want to toot my own horn here, but I’ve been helping guys meet women for years now. Hell, during the last few years I’ve helped 6,270+ guys meet AT LEAST a dozen women a piece in total. You do the math.

And now we got that out of the way, let’s look at some samples of dating profiles with over-the-top intros already!

Samples of dating profiles, sample 1: Who would have thought that a nuclear disaster in Japan made me end up on this site?

That’ll certainly get a woman’s attention (it got YOUR attention didn’t it?), after which you explain that the disaster made you stay inside, you got bored out of your freaking mind, so you signed up for the site. ANY disaster works well to grab attention with by the way.

Just like most other samples of dating profiles you’re about to get, this immediately let’s her know you have a great sense of humor and don’t take yourself too seriously. That’s all you need to attract women online.

Sample of dating profile 2: WANTED: intelligent babe for this mad scientist to experiment on. You must be willing to break into laboratories to “lend” equipment while wearing high heels and to have extra limbs attached AND look hot while having them. You must also be able to handle stress well, because lots of responsibilities go hand in hand with taking over the world with me.

Sample of dating profile 3: You know, when I sat down behind a piano people laugh at first… but when I start playing?

How To Show Off Body In Dating Site Video

This is (in my opinion) one of the best samples of dating profiles, because this one brilliantly let’s you use the fact that women are attracted to a man’s talent.

You see, you can fill in “when I first tell people about my kung fu they laugh… but when they see me fight during the championship?” or anything else you’re good at for that matter.

Women are attracted to talent because they make you seem like you’re radiating with confidence, without you having to say anything. Attractive women see tons of samples of dating profiles because they get 30-50 messages on average a day and…

They’re all from average guys. Men that all say similar things and who have similar dating profiles. Big difference when compared to your high level of confidence, skill, and your COMPLETE lack of desperation huh?

I explain what attracts women online in much more detail inside my Online Mentorship Program product, but let’s stick to the topic and check out some more samples of dating profiles below.

Samples Of Dating Profiles: Wish List Spoofs

Where to use these samples of dating profiles: I highly recommend you use one of these near the end of the description of your profile. Let’s have a look, shall we?

If you’ve been around the block with online dating like I have, then you’d know that women have wish lists. All they are, are unrealistic lists of things they think they need in a man.

Meanwhile, they’re forgetting that the difference between what you THINK you want (logical reasoning) and what you NEED (emotions) is huge. Attraction is based on emotions, not logical reasoning, but that’s an entirely different story.

The point of the following samples of dating profiles is simple: to mock women’s wish lists…

Sample of dating profile 1:

– I don’t fall for overly horny, pervy chicks cruising the internet looking for innocent men to take advantage off

How To Show Off Body In Dating Site

– If you think you’ll have thoughts of grabbing the scissors and letting them loose on my little head when I’m asleep after our first fight? Let me just say: the mental hospital is not the same thing as my home address!

– When I give you my phone number, it does NOT give you a “license to stalk” in the middle of the night, EVERY night… because it’ll make me think you’re really a MAN, since most really needy guys always do that.

As you can see, you reverse roles with women because THEY usually think all men want when meeting women online is sex with as many women as possible. Plus, you’re making fun of other guys who try to meet women online and of relationships gone wrong.

Samples of dating profiles like this one work best when you announce your wish list spoof with a little “Women seem to have wish lists on their profiles, so here is my completely over-the-top and non-serious wish list…”

How To Show Off Body In Dating Site For Men

Add as many points to your wish list spoof as you’d like, because as long as you keep making fun of the dating game? You’re good. ‘Nuff said. Let’s keep it moving!

Samples Of Dating Profiles: “Compounding Interest”

Don’t worry now. This isn’t where I start promoting financial products and investment advice out of nowhere dude.


This is where I used a title to make it painfully obvious that most men (maybe even you) are GOOD at making their lists of hobbies, interests, likes, etc. a complete snore fest.

And this is where I give you samples of dating profiles for the hobbies, interests and/or likes section(s) of your dating profile that ARE worth your while. Here we go…

Sample of dating profile 1: My hobbies are working out in the gym, hanging out with friends, and eating carefully prepared poisonous fish at a Japanese restaurant while hoping I’ll stay alive.

Samples of dating profiles, sample 2: I like watching movies with friends, traveling, and Britney Spears back when she was still bald (bald chicks are hot!)

Sample of dating profile 3: My favourite books are Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone, one of them Tom Clancy joints, and the bible written in the ancient Katabagan language (hey, I like a challenge!)

All I’m doing with all of these samples of dating profiles is showing my sense of humor and that I don’t take myself too seriously. It tells a woman: I’m far from desperate honey! How?

By playing a game of odd one out: two normal things you actually like or do, plus one crazy thing that makes her laugh or curious.

And hey, should you get yourself a dating profile on a site where there is no separate section for hobbies, likes, interests, and so on? Then just use one or more of these examples in the section where you describe yourself man.

Samples Of Dating Profiles: Make It Comfortable

I have to address an important issue in this blog post about samples of dating profiles:

Women only want to take things to the next level with you if you make them feel comfortable and safe. That’s regardless of whether you want to talk to them, get their number or date them by the way… so give them some samples of dating profiles that make them feel comfortable!

How? Here’s how to give them those samples of dating profiles:

– Throw away that description of yourself of 3 sentences long and write something that makes a woman feel she has known you for years. It will make online dating easier, wayyy easier. Trust me!

– Why not create some “samples of dating profiles”… or should I say samples for YOUR dating profile? What I mean is saying you like some things women like, whether it’s a chick flick or two or something else.

– Don’t try to be smooth or cool. Show women you’re a real man. A real man with friends, family, goals, hobbies, and passions. Use photos if you can, otherwise describe all of these things.

Want More Samples Of Dating Profiles?

Sure you do! I mean, why not make meeting women online as easy as possible for yourself, right?

Well, alright! Stop looking at me with those sad puppy eyes man! Here are some more samples of dating profiles:

– Photos are the first impression of the online dating game, so have several photos of different situations. Some photos of you displaying your talent, you visiting a famous place, you and friends, you acting crazy (not drunk, I said crazy!), and so on. This way, you show a woman several sides of yourself and women want a REAL man. One who can both be sweet and tough, classy and straight up goofy, etc.

– If you know the EXACT type of woman you like, live in fantasyland a little. Tell a fictional story that describes what happens when you two go on a vacation to do everything your type of woman does. For Latinas for example, throw in some Spanish, describe the food, the culture, dancing to Latin music with her, etc. and then say at the end “If you’re that girl, why not send me a message?”

– When describing yourself and what you like to do with your life, tell stories. Tell stories using all senses (smell, touch, sound, etc.) and you will have a woman’s attention

How To Show Off Body In Dating Site Photo

Do you want even more free samples of dating profiles? And do you want to discover how to meet women online and get a date without much effort too? Then get the tips inside my Online Dating Newsletter right away. It only takes a minute to become a Member and get more tips, so do it now.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to completely dominate Facebook with the profile of a friend now. I owe him one… and no, not because he gave me some samples of dating profiles haha!

How To Show Off Body In Dating Site Free

Hope you liked these samples of dating profiles my friend. I’m out!

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Check out the rest of the Profile For Dating series.

To More Dating Success,

Carlos Xuma
Win With Women

P.S. Want more free tips about what I've talked about today? About how to meet one woman after the other, after the other... after the other - online or offline - with no effort? Then get instant access to more tips by signing up for our FREE Dating Strategies Insider.