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All men in their right minds prefer a sweet, jolly, demure, and peaceful woman to a bitter, depressed, shameless, and combative one. In other words, men prefer submissive women.

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Western culture has long been heading in such a direction that submissive women have become a rarity. Things have gotten so bad that many western men are thirsty for any sign of submissiveness from a woman, such as her making him a sandwich.

The typical modern western male is so thoroughly defeated by feminism that he will gleefully settle for a pittance of submission from a woman in the form of a sandwich, just to feel a tiny bit of masculine pride.

Just a sandwich? Are you kidding me? I would be insulted if my girlfriend prepared only a sandwich and tried to pass it off as a meal. I would rather be single than have to settle for a relationship with a woman who is reluctant to please me.

Why Men Want Submissive Women?

All women are naturally submissive which means submissiveness is nothing more than good old femininity.

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Masculinity and femininity are the yin & yangs of nature. Men are attracted to femininity. A feminine woman is a submissive woman, so it’s only natural for a man to desire a submissive woman.

Feminists love to paint submissive women as weak but nothing could be further from the truth. Strong indicators of femininity such as cooking and cleaning are shamed by feminists as slavery to men but the reality is different. Nature intended women to be mothers. Learning and practicing cooking and cleaning are preparations for raising a child. A child must be fed with nutritious home-cooked meals, not with nasty processed food. That’s why it’s important for a woman to learn how to cook. It’s primarily for her kids, not for her men.

Personally, I don’t care whether my girlfriend can cook or not. I can cook by myself. Same goes for cleaning. A woman has to learn how to clean because her babies will need a clean, hygienic environment to grow up. Cooking and cleaning are reliable indicators of femininity which signal whether she is a pleasant girl worthy of a relationship or not. That’s why I look for them when choosing a girlfriend. Feminists and their followers reject learning these vital skills in the name of rejecting servitude for men. You don’t build these skills to serve a man, dummy. What kind of a woman do you think you are if you can’t even build the basic skills to take care of your own child?

Submissive women are the strongest type of women because femininity is a strength, not a weakness. Modern women who have to announce that they are strong and independent are neither strong nor independent. Remove the safety net provided by the government and the fake sense of security provided by their employers, you’ll see how strong and independent they are.

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Men don’t want strong and independent women because these are masculine qualities. Men want feminine women. Submissive women are the most feminine women, that’s why men prefer them.

Signs Whether She’s Submissive Or Not

A submissive woman is sweet, charming, demure, kind, modest, gracious, pleasant, clean, tidy, peaceful, easygoing, adorable, shy, quiet, polished, amusing, well-groomed, humble, and jolly.

A strong and independent modern woman is bitter, repulsive, shameless, rude, bossy, mean, catty, dirty, sloppy, combative, difficult, despicable, brash, loud, coarse, repulsive, nasty, arrogant, and depressed.

A submissive woman is willing to follow the lead of a man and she derives pleasure from pleasing her men. She is happy to take care of the man she loves. She is there to make his life better, not harder. She loves to clean and cook. She’s feminine and she expects her man to be masculine.

A strong and independent modern woman is unwilling to follow the lead of a man and she despises the idea of pleasing her man. She doesn’t cook or clean. She makes life harder for her man as she brings nothing to the table and expects everything in return.

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A submissive woman doesn’t like disfiguring her body with tattoos or piercings. She loves to keep her hair long.

A strong and independent modern woman loves to disfigure her body with tattoos and piercings. She’s on the lookout for any reason to cut her hair short.

A submissive woman is likely to have strong parents and a good relationship with her family.

A strong and independent modern woman is likely to have weak parents and a loose relationship with her family.

A submissive woman is unlikely to engage in risky behavior as risk-taking is a masculine quality. She is unlikely to smoke, get drunk or do drugs.


A strong and independent modern woman is likely to engage in risky behavior as risk-taking is a masculine quality. She’s suffering from what Freud calls penis envy. She’s likely to smoke, get drunk occasionally and do drugs.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, submissive women are harder to bed. They are relationship material. The so-called strong and independent modern women are better suited for quick, no strings attached bangs.

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Where To Find Submissive Women

Thanks to feminism, western countries fail to provide fertile soil for submissive women to grow and flourish. It’s still possible to find a submissive woman in a western country but you must search harder as they are the exception rather than the rule.

Be on the lookout for the signs mentioned above. Submissive women are unlikely to be found in bars or clubs. Rather, they can be found in any place where normal people frequent. Shopping malls, grocery stores, coffee shops, libraries are some of the places where you can find them.

If you are a western man traveling abroad can improve your odds of finding a submissive woman. You are more likely to come across submissive women in countries where traditional gender roles aren’t abandoned yet.

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South America, Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe are often regarded as the holy trinity for finding feminine and submissive women. I’ve never been to South America but I’ve been to Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. I don’t think that Eastern Europe lives up to its reputation as I find their women to be bossy which is a quality far from being feminine.

Southeast Asian girls are feminine and submissive, yes, but they will eat you alive if you are a weak, soft, socially awkward man. The Middle East, other parts of Asia and Africa might be worth looking at.

It’s important to remember that the world is a huge place and there are still plenty of submissive women to be found. Be careful about importing a submissive woman to a western country though, because she may lose her submissiveness when she’s westernized.

Soft Men Don’t Deserve Submissive Women

Part of the reason why western women abandoned femininity and submissiveness is that the majority of western men have gotten soft.

I’ve lived in Southeast Asia (Thailand and the Philippines) for the better of the last 4 years. I’ve seen many western men come to these countries to find a demure, feminine and submissive woman but got burned by local women. There are many reasons for this to happen but although cultures among the countries might be very different, human nature doesn’t change much: All women in all countries want a strong, masculine man.

No amount of western status is enough to save a soft, weak and wimpy western man. The typical western man comes to these countries to find a feminine woman and his western status makes it easy to do so. But as soon as he finds her, he immediately puts her on a massive pedestal which is a no-no. Putting a woman on a pedestal never ends well for a man because she wants to look up to her man. How can she look up to you if she’s looking down at you from the pedestal you put her on?

If you’re a weak man who tends to put women on pedestals, you must first take care of that before you set out to find a submissive woman. Women don’t submit to men who they perceive to be weak.

The good news is that all men already have innate masculine qualities available to him on demand. For the average western male, most of these qualities have atrophied by growing up in an anti-male western culture. These masculine qualities that you’re born with are waiting for you to awaken them.

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Getting into the details of how to awaken your masculine power is beyond the scope of this article but I’ve written an entire book that covers everything about becoming a better, stronger, and more masculine man. Feel free to check it out.

How To Meet And Date Submissive Women

There are 2 ways to meet women:

  1. Social circle
  2. Cold approach

Building social circles take time and effort. Dating women in your social circle is risky, as you will always be subject to the judgment of your circle with everything you do with your woman. Building a social circle just for the purpose of meeting a submissive woman is overkill but many men will still take this route as cold approaching terrifies the shit out of them.

Cold approach is the best way to meet women, submissive women included. Most men will never cold approach a woman, which is a good thing for men who have the balls to do it as the competition will be next to non-existent. Since submissive women aren’t usually found in clubs or bars, you will have to overcome your fear of rejection and approach them sober.

When you spot a woman who displays the visible signs of submissiveness, you must approach. All the lines and tactics you fictionalize in your mind will probably go out of the window the moment you say hi to her, so it’s best to just go and ask a simple question like “Excuse me, do you know where can I find a pharmacy” or something like that and improvise afterward. Talk to her casually for a few minutes and ask for her number. If you get her number, call or text her the next day or the day after. Remember, you are looking for a submissive girl who will follow your lead. Always be leading. Ask to meet her. If she says yes, tell her where to meet. If she’s following, then she’s in your frame.

When you meet up for a date, take her to a place like a coffee shop where you can talk to her. Ask her about her relationship with her family, how she likes to spend her time, whether she likes cooking and cleaning etc. You are trying to figure out whether she’s genuinely submissive or not. Notice how she treats other people. Is she kind to strangers? Observe her closely to see whether she lives up to your standards.

If she’s to start a relationship with you, you must first gain her trust because she will not follow the lead of a man that she doesn’t trust. Gaining her trust is nothing more than being a masculine man and leading her. She is bringing her femininity to the table and you must bring your masculinity in return. You must show her that you are a strong man who can lead. Submissive women can end up in a relationship with a weak man but that relationship will not last long. Remember, she doesn’t want to lead. All women hate weak men. If her man is weak, she has to do the leading and she will resent that. A relationship where she has to do the leading is only possible when there are strong societal pressures on her that she has no other option but to make it work. She will stay in the relationship but she will hate it. This is why you must always be a strong man who’s willing to lead. A strong feminine and a strong masculine side are both required for a healthy relationship.

Always keep in mind that gaining her trust DOES NOT mean hiding your sexuality. Quite the opposite. An inexperienced man does his best to hide his intentions of fucking her until he’s convinced that he gained her full trust. This is the wrong mentality to have. If he hides his sexuality until the last moment, he is guaranteed to come across as a phony when he finally makes his intentions known. Building trust is a process that includes her gradually getting used to your touch. Women are not stupid. Even the most innocent woman knows that you want to fuck her. There’s no point in hiding it. Get her used to your touch. Once she’s comfortable enough around you, make your move. It’s her job to resist. Don’t do her job for her. If she rejects your advances, pull back for a while and try next time. It’s good if she’s resisting. If she easily lets you bang her, she’s not a submissive woman but she’s faking submissiveness to fool you into a relationship.

If she passes your tests and she’s willing to start a relationship with you, then proceed to upgrade her to girlfriend status.

Your Relationship With A Submissive Woman

A relationship between a submissive woman and a dominant man is the strongest and the happiest type of relationship where natural gender roles are kept intact.

Relationships always have downsides, especially for men who love their freedom, but being in a relationship with a submissive woman is a delight in many ways. She’ll laugh at your bad jokes and she’ll never bust your balls or belittle you. I’ve seen many women belittling their boyfriends or husbands in front of other people and I have nothing but disgust for that type of strong and independent women and their weak men.

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The number one thing to keep in mind when you are in a relationship with a submissive woman is that she’s still a woman. You must never ever put a woman on a pedestal. Women are naturally hypergamous, so she is the happiest when she follows your lead and looks up to you. If you put her up on a pedestal, she will be unable to look up to you and your relationship with her will deteriorate, in which case you have no one but yourself to blame if she dumps you.

She wants to follow the lead of a strong, dominant, decisive, confident and bold man who is able to remain calm under pressure. You must be the master of the relationship who takes charge, calls the shots, and leads. When she follows your lead, respects you and worships the ground you walk on, she will be happy. She will reward you with her feminine energy which is something that you can only enjoy when you are in a relationship with a happy, feminine woman.

Dominance is not to be confused with abuse and disrespect. It also doesn’t mean you don’t buy her flowers, take her out to fancy dinners or vacations. Those things add to your masculinity if you do them right.

Be sure to read:

  • How to Be a Superior Man, Chapter 1: What Makes a Man a Superior Man (The more you elevate your status, the more desirable women you will attract)